Spent 1.5 hrs at the plot today sowing carrots and attempting to transplant chitted parsnip seed. Got thoroughly soaked so returned home for a hot bath. "For you my friend the plot war is over"
Following my last post, and the helpfull suggestions put up by contributors, I decided to try an experiment with my beans. Fortunately I recently acquired a bulk supply of those plastic labels, and I was already ready to sow my beans so it wasn't much trouble.
I've got 44 pots and and two beans go in each pot. I need 44 labels each marked with the variety and the oriention of the bean seed. All are planted to the same depth.
The four orientation are
U = Up
D = Down
SL = Sideways Lateral
SV = Sideways Vertical
Here they go in:
In their serried ranks
The army on parade.
Every group of four is experiencing exactly the same conditions, be that in the open, in the greenhouse , shed or house. This last option doesn't seem to be realistic so I hope the good weather forcasted can be trusted to continue. I'm going to record speed of emergence and time to reach 6 inches high. I can rearrange the pots to group all the Us and Ds together after they have all, hopefully germinated.
Will there be any difference???
Saturday 15th May Update
Here's the army reassembled for comparison purposes:
The four beanless pots are the Pea Beans which failed (clearly)
From the other end it looks a bit greener: