Sunday, 27 June 2010

Beans Top the Poll

The Painted Lady runners have been racing to the top of the poles:

The Scarlet Emporor are not far behind but producing lots of flowers already

For comparison purposes here's the bean 'wigwam' today (with the railway embankment behind)

And let's not forget the humble broad bean which is already producing food for the table:


  1. It's nice to see, in this and in your previous post, how fertile your allotment looks. All that hard work last winter is paying off.

  2. I had freshly picked broad beans for dinner today!!! My runners aren't anywhere near as big but I can see the flowers coming!!

  3. Congratulations on reaching the top - ours have a way to go yet!

  4. I love your bean wigwam. And I think that runner beans like it too!
    Lovely flowers on Scarlet Emperor! Are beans also red?

  5. Hi All,

    To answer your question, Mojo, although I haven't grown these in years these beans are the ones I remember from my childhood. The beans are pink with black markings, but unless you are saving them for seed you won't want to see them mature. The pods have a rough texture, but that doesn't matter after cooking. The taste is the best!
