Monday, 28 March 2011

Spring Blooms

After losing an hour with the clock going forward, I spent two hours at the allotment site this weekend.  -  for a committee meeting. To cheer myself up here's my favourite daffodil view:

Early morning by the canal

And here's a welcome spring display:

Open for viewing

Pasque flower

I'm sowing away at home - but that will have to wait as Blogger seems to object to uploading  more than one batch of pictures these days!


  1. Lovely, fuzzy purple flower!

  2. Lovely flowers Mal. Ah the dreaded committee meetings I know how you feel!

  3. Thank you, that cheered me up to. Beautiful daffodil view and your pasque flower is lovely also, Easter is so late this year.

  4. Daffodils always cheer me up too :) I think it's because they are one of the first things to pop up.

  5. Committee meeting!!! Glad that is a thing of the past for me.

  6. Committee meetings don't much appeal to my though I have been asked by a few plot holders why aren't I on the committee I don't think I could be diplomatic enough at times, It is lovely to have the lighter nights back!!

  7. Oh Mal - just gorgeous! I have a few crocus poking up, but we're still a few weeks away from daffodils like that! A breath of fresh air on a chilly day.. 30 mils of rain coming.. can't complain, it could be 30 cm of snow!! :)
