Saturday 19 June 2010


Strawberries before Wimbledon? Ace!


  1. Yes, those really do look like mine! I chose to propagate the runners from this particular plant out of a whole selection of others because of the taste and appearance. Clearly the best for me! Yours look divine.

  2. Usually I can blame the tardiness of my plants on Scottish weather, but I see I'll have to invest in some Honeyoe! Well done!

  3. They do look pretty! Are they everbearing?

    My strawberries stopped producing, but I was told that if I cut off older leaves, they will start to flower again. And I think its working, as I have seen a few new flowers.

  4. Mm yum, mine aren't honeoy but there are a few ready to pick, I ate a couple yesterday and expect a good few pickings over the next few warm sunny days.

  5. Mine are Marshmello, Flamenco and Florence but I can't remember which is which after taking so many runners. All are lovely and we are now picking fruit - we had masses of it last year so hope for a repeat.

  6. Mine are Mara des bois and Tenira and both varieties are a couple of weeks behind yours.

  7. MMMmmmmmmmmmmmm I love strawberries!!! We are just starting to get some ripening on our plot too....there is nothing quite like the taste of freshly picked strawberries!!

  8. Damn, damn, damn! I did no fruit at all, what with it being the first year. Now I regret it.

  9. Matron - that's intriguing

    Izzy - They're worth it. I started with two and they soon multiplied.

    Mojo - These are the come in a rush and then wait till next year sort!

    Rachael - I'm bragging because I'm in Edinburgh - but I first tasted these in Wales and selected them because I liked the flavour - the fact they are early is a bonus.

    GLA - I am bringing on some Florence (and Cambridge Favourite) to extend the season at home ... but Marsmello are reputedly the wunder-strawb. Are they really as good as they say?

    Alex - I bet they taste good when they're ready.

    Tany - You said it!

    Iggy - Every year is a new frontier of discovery.
