Thursday, 23 September 2010

Last but not least?

Grown from seed, more in hope than expectation - cucumbers have come good!

And here's another exotic: coriander. Yes it's looking wild and wooly and there's no sign of any leaves suitable for a curry, but there are...


It's that time of year when the familiar sound of a skeen of geese entertains you as you work on your plot.

Time to look up from digging up the maincrop (Rooster).

(The green manure is coming on nicely, don't you think?)


  1. WE seem to be growing the same green manure!!

  2. You have grown better cucumbers that I did.

  3. Exotic indeed. Cucumbers in Scotland - whatever next!

    What is your green manure? I'm swithering over whether I have time to sow some more.

    Thanks for your comment on my Skywatch post. We saw one deer really close to the A9 in the really deep snow last winter, floundering in the drifts as it tried to get away from the road.

  4. Those seeds will grind up nicely for a curry and your spuds look good. I'm just waiting for the peppers to ripen now, seem to be taking a lot longer than last year, not much sun about.

  5. the green manure looks nice to see a carpet of green this time as year when so much is turning to brown!!

    I haven't seen and geese around yet but I'm sure I will soon!!

    Your cucumbers look great...I'm hoping for a better crop next year with some better planning!!

  6. The green manure is mustard (it says on the packet sow up to September)

    The geese I don't know the variety or how to tell at that altitiude(!). I once heard a fascinating radio prog where someone demonstrated how to tell them apart from their 'honk', but it's hard to remember the subtle distinctions between sounds. As the geese are heading for the watering holes up at the Pentland Hills I may yet take a gander at them - when I'm next taking some time off away from the plot.

  7. So that's how you spell skein!!

    Thanks too for the steer on the geese, Ruth.

  8. I had spotted two flocks of geese fly overheard on my allotment last weekend, any interpretation on the timing of the migration? Weather related perhaps?
