Sunday 3 October 2010

The North Wind Doth Blow

 If you look to the right of the sky you can see him, blowing!!!(?)

Time to get on with those autumn harvesting jobs.

It's goodbye to these:

And hello to these:

Every one is unique and a thing of beauty! 


  1. Fabulous beans, Mal. Mine failed miserably this summer, not even one. But the cucumbers, they were a different story. I grew the old Victorian egg variety, round and delicious and very prolific: recommended


  2. They look great, I'm definitely trying some next year.

  3. Yes I see him! What a pointy nose he has!

  4. It's too bad I hate dried beans, they are pretty! Thanks for the link about Potato and Leek Soup! I had no idea it was invented in NYC. How cool. It is my new favorite recipe! I'll have to try the one you sent me.

  5. cool beans.. :-)... I need to get down and sort out the harvesting but the weather isn't very appealing....maybe tomorrow!!

  6. Now, that what I call a fine looking bean!

    And stop all this "autumn" talk; I'm still hanging on for a few weeks more summer.

  7. I'm going to buck the comment trend and as a cloudspotter say that your North Wind is a great shot, beautifully captured.
    The beans are not bad too.
    Thanks for the A9 shot. Taken at exactly the same spot as mine. Once the snow really started to pile up in January there were so many wonderful photo opportunities, but no-where to stop by the side of the road. And the windscreen wash froze up, so taking photos on the move as a passenger wasn't an option!

  8. I do love Borlotti beans (or magic beans as they are known as in our house!). They look fantastic and taste great too. I can never grow too many of them.

  9. One minestrone later - and I'm not sure I've grown enough. Even the 'undried' beans swell up in the cooking, but all I've picked so far got swallowed up in the first, very tasty, pot. I'll be checking out the crop this weekend with a view to harvesting the lot. (Now I'm glad I've got Red Kidney beans in reserve.)

    I'm so glad you got to see the pic. Thanks for commenting. You're so canny having separate photo and gardening blogs!

  10. Ooops

    Linda, I'm so glad you got to see the pic. Thanks for commenting. You're so canny having separate photo and gardening blogs!
