Woke up this morning to a sprinkling of snow - Perhaps I am not so far behind the changing season after all!
I'm delighted to have found a name for the collective bed arrangement. Together they are a 'parterre'. In the tradition of Versaille (but on a smaller scale). ;>)
Now that they are built I've had to narrow down what I'm going to give growing space:
1. Asparagus 2. Herbs
3. Salads 4. Plot Nursery Bed
The asparagus is a complete leap in the dark, but one of these beds seems ideally suited to providing the drainage and the fertility I understand asparagus needs. Of course I want shoots to eat (in a couple of years time) but visually I also love their 'ferns'.
Herbs and salads might overlap a bit as Mediterranean herbs like lots of drainage and even improve in flavour with 'poor' soil whereas parsley coriander fenugreek like the same conditions as lettuce etc.
My last bed is being used for the original purpose I intended (before I got asparagus aspirations). Seedlings need closer attention than weekend to weekend so they are best kept at home. Lettuces growing 3 miles away are not much help when you decide to rustle up a salad late in the week. I do keep them in bowls of water on the widowsill but you can't beat the crispiness of freshly cut salad leaves. I'm looking forward to a reliable supply and a long season.
Back to the snow:
I just have to share this work of art I came across this morning: