Friday, 16 September 2011

Red Potatoes?

A novelty this year has been Highland Burgundy potatoes. Considering the disappointing yields on new potatoes this year perhaps the biggest surprise was that they came through well, along with the other main crop spuds. Flash photography makes them look rather ordinarily red skinned. After experimentation this picture is the nearest I could get to their daylight appearance:

Highland Burgundy
The skins are rather rough with crazy paving patches and corky spots.  These must be related to Shetland Black. But inside is a novelty. Inside the characteristic halo the body of the tubor is red.

Red to the core

And it stays that colour after cooking. (The texture turns from firm to mushy in a trice) Flavour wise it is good , yes, just good. Well you can't expect too much from a spectacular looking spud can you? (And storage may possibly improve them.)

Red mash
But, do you know, I reckon this potato is the one for my Borscht!

And here's an update on the tomatoes:

Links to Shetland Black posts:


  1. Your Sun Gold's surely do look ready to pick! Yumm

    Don't know about the red potato inside, especially if it kinda goes mushy. Borscht might just be the answer..or what about leaving the skin on, slice lengthwise into wedges tossed in oil and roasted in the oven? Purple skin with red potato inside might look awfully interesting served this way.

  2. I'm not sure about eating pink mash - could you get over the fact that it was pink?

  3. Bren, Sungold picking has commenced!

    Sue, The story goes that the Duke of Burgundy is responsible for this potato when he demanded red mash, at the Savoy in 1936...

  4. They look great Mal and your tomatoes are coming along well.

  5. Cor Blimey!

    They look absolutely great!

    Well done you!


  6. glad your tomatoes are ripening...don't think I really fancy the spuds though...think I'll just stick to the usual colour....!!

  7. I wonder, dear Mal, if kids still do "one potato, two potato" to pick who's het.
    Soooo envious of your toms, mine are just a sweet memory.

  8. I am not positive I would consider the time to spot the beans in the specific position.
